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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Open Heavens Conference

So this past weekend Bethel had an Open Heavens Conference.  God did some pretty amazing stuff. At the end of the Open Heaven's Conference people were simply praying for people when gold dust appeared in the air in the front right part of the sanctuary. This was going on for 15 minutes or so when all of a sudden a cloud filled with gold dust appeared and began up out of no where like smoke then vanishing. Many people were covered in gold dust. People were getting gold teeth, a diamond appears on the floor, pennies stick to the wall, feathers fall through the air and oil coming out of fingertips.  This is legit. I have never seen anything like this.  We are reminded that the veil has been torn between our world and the invisible realm. Heaven is invading earth. Jesus is the most exciting and beautiful person I have ever met. God is real, and he is demonstrating Himself with signs, wonders and miracles all over the world!

Click on the link below to see what happened at church Friday night...

Why would God do this when there are poor people starving all around the world, children are being abused, and people can't pay their bills for whatever reason should God be making miracles in that way first before He sends a cloud of gold dust to a random church...then once all the worlds problems are solved ill understand a cloud of gold dust. These were some of the the questions I was asking, but what I sense is that, we just dont know. His ways are not my ways, but I will continue to trust Him and there is a definite peace in not having to have all of the answers. Thank you Jesus!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Discovering Your Spiritual Quotient

Kris Vallotton

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The More I Seek You

Listen to this song its soo soo good.

Matt Gilman's version of The More I Seek You.  I've just been soaking it up so much lately...

I'm SUPER excited for these upcoming weeks, my birthday is THIS Thursday so make sure you get me a present.  Then, I leave to go home for a little bit on August 3rd. Can't wait to see my fam and friendies! Then, school starts. Then, I'm going to make snow angels for 2 hours. YAY! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lake Almanor

Took a mini vacay to the mountains last weekend. There is so much beauty here its ridiculous.  We went up in the mountains on the quad, fishing, and shooting.  There's something about being in the mountains or nature in general that really opens my heart to hear what the Lord is saying:) 

This weekend I felt the Lord teaching me to learn to accept blessings from Him. If I'm honest, most of my life I have focused on what I don't have or what God isn't doing. Kinda bad I know :( I guess I'm just starting to feel differently now.  It's almost like now find myself struggling to feel worthy for all the blessings and favor He IS giving! I'm def. in a process, and that's what I love about His character, He's so patient with us in whatever stage we are in.  I can honestly say I'm beginning to understand and actually feel His love for me.  I am so happy to be in this place right now. 

Here are some pics & vids from the weekend :)

The vids...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Typical Day in Redding...

What a day!!!!! Kayaking was AMAZING!!!! East Beach with lots of new friends was AWESOME!!!! 

Today I ran 3 miles, swam 1/4 mile and kayaked probably 2 miles! basically did a triathlon... SO MUCH FUN!!!! Oh and I got really tan too!!!

Holly and I went with a big group of people to the lake today and also jumped off a HUGE cliff from a rope swing. SO MUCH FUN!!!

Here's a few pics from the day and special video for your viewing pleasure!

Video of us on Whiskeytown Lake Kayaking!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Virtuous Man

Proverbs 32- The Virtuous Man

For those of you looking up chapter 32 in Proverbs...I love to inform you, its not there ;)

Danny Silk, the Family Pastor at Bethel, gave an amazing talk on the "Virtuous Man".  One thing I want to start doing is posting some of the talks from here that have impacted me the most.  This is definitely one of them.

In order to listen to these talks you have to create an account. It's pretty easy and free!  I'm only going to post talks from"Free" tab on my blog.  So go ahead create yourself an account! ---->

Listen to "The Virtuous Man" Here!!!

Also, feel free to post any questions you may have about Bethel, my personal experience so far, or whatever.  Sometimes I can write better if I know there is some sort of question being answered or  purpose behind it. Otherwise it feels pretty pointless to write about my day on here haha.

And you know I can't leave you without some sort of picture on here!!

 Makes me want a hot dog reeeeaaall bad!!

Happy Independence day from England! YAY! Land of the free home of the brave! Yes, I will be enjoying this independence day eating hot dogs, doritos, brownies, and beer. Amen.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ahhh! Deep Breath!

It has been a great month out here so far :) Although, I am definitely missing my family and friends back home.  I think about you guys everyday :) I've really been praying for some of my close friends back home lately.
Since being here some people have prophesied to me that I am a prophetic intercessor.  It's not exactly the most exciting thing I've wanted to hear.  To be honest, anything with the word intercessor is kind of a turn off for me.  I just picture people who talk a lot and blab to God and anyone who knows me, knows that not my style :)
So I asked God to give me more of a heart for prophetic intercession.  He showed me my view of intercessors is confined.  Not EVERY intercessor needs to be a chatty kathy.  You can still intercede without saying a word sometimes.  When I go running at night I like to just ask God questions in my head about how people are doing, he'll tell me and I just begin to agree in my spirit with His plan for each person's life. Its been so good and is kind of cool how you can be THAT close to someone where you don't even HAVE to say a word! That's intimacy! ;) Ddefinitely already becoming more at peace with who He created me to be!

Some pics of the past couple of weeks..since I'm a slow blogger ;) worth a thousand words right?? 
The Love Lounge is where Bethel students come to sing, play instruments, and show off their talents!  Very entertaining and talented people!! 

Holly, Brittny, and me on the top of a mountain! Quick! Who just thought of Anchorman?! haha. Oh man I crack myself up...

Spoon Me. Yep! That is the name of my new ALL time favorite frozen yogurt place!  I think a college dude definitely had to come up with the name haha.  It's SOOO GOOD!!!  You just walk in, grab your own cup, pick your own flavor of yogurt, pick your own toppings and make everything yourself!!  At the end of the line they have a scale where you place your cup and depending on the weight, determines your price! Ingenious!  As you can see I was not shy with the toppings...

Holly and I made Crepes and Bacon for breakfast! Yum Yum! :)  
Notice the Ohio mug ;)

Whiskeytown Lake. I live here after work.

Evening run at the GORGEOUS McConnell Foundation

We took a trip up to Burney Falls where there's a small trail to hike. It was the first time I've seen a waterfall in person!!

Lord's been speaking Philippians 4 a lot to me lately, so I'll leave you with this verse that's been stirring in my head

"I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound.  In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:12.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


So a lot has happened since my last post! Hopefully I can get it all down and not bore anyone to death!

THANK GOD the sun has finally started shinning here!! I was seriously starting to wonder if it was ever gonna stop raining.  The weather has been absolutely perfect.  I'm not used to looking at a 10 day forecast with a sunshine and no rain every single day!  I am still in awe everytime I see the mountains too.  Driving to work is just beautiful. Every morning so far it has put my soul at ease before entering work.

My roommate Holly and I have connected with some other first year students that are starting at Bethel in the fall.  They invited us to go rafting down the Sacramento River.  I wish I could've taken a picture of how beautiful it was!!

We started out by this waterfall near the rocks, as we climbed down the rocks and jumped onto our rafts, we held each other's rafts and began to just float and relax down the river.  Since it has been raining so much here, there were rapids!!  It was SO EXCITING and FUN!! At one point my raft flipped over and I LOVED IT!!! haha.  We floated about 5 miles down the river, just talking, getting to know each other, laughing and feeling free!  At one point in the trip I looked back down from where we came, and saw a HUGE mountain.  With the mountains, sparkling river, green trees surrounding us, and the bright warm sunshine I felt the same freedom I used to feel as a kid.  A two-fold revelation came to me.  I realized I haven't felt this free since I was a really little kid, and wow...WHY haven't I felt this free since being a child?

I am also becoming more aware of what my body feels when Holy Spirit is thick in a room.  I think it's definitely a building block in my relationship with Him. It's been pretty cool.  When I enter into a room where Holy Spirit is already thick, my body automatically just starts to feel like jelly haha, or really relaxed.  Then, my breathing slows down, and all the thoughts that seemed to have been racing through my mind before slowly start to fade.  I think I'm getting addicted to His presence.

I tried the Healing Rooms at Bethel this morning, before you go to get any kind of healing prayer whether it be emotional or physical, they ask you to worship or pray beforehand in the Encounter room.  They call this "soaking".  While in this room, they have people who will draw prophetically for you.  How it works is, the person drawing pictures will ask the Lord for a prophetic and encouraging picture, then they will draw this picture and talk to you about the inclination they felt in their spirit to put meaning toward the picture.  I received a picture from a girl and definitely willing to share more about what was drawn for me if you're interested in hearing about it, drop me a line!

I have received prophetic and healing prayer here and am definitely learning more about these two things and where they are in the Bible.  What Prophetic ministry means is simply what is taught by the Apostle Paul in the Bible.  To edify and encourage the body.  People know their own junk and don't need to be reminded of it all the time.  To prophesy over someone is simply to call out the good you see in that person.  It is nothing strange.  The point is to let that person know God SEES you. He knows who you are.  He knows what He made when He created you.  No matter what you've done in your life, or how far you've veered off the path, He stands firm to believe He has created a GOOD thing. To prophesy is to remind ourselves of the good within us. To call out the "gold" in us.  I am definitely open and willing to share my experience with any of these things, as well as talk about any questions popping up in your mind! :)

Just soakin' up some rays in the pool and raft we bought for our backyard!!! :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

So good

I am sitting in Starbucks by my house right now reflecting on the church service this morning and waiting for the one tonight.  It seems like church is an all day event on Sundays here- which has been good so far!  I love the talks here, they are so much to process.

That's a lot of what I've been doing lately...there's an intense level of revelation here.  The majority of my time seems to be chewing on what I'm learning. As a result, I've remained even more quiet and reserved than usual.  I feel kind of out of it everyday here and for the first time I've really missed my support system back home.

If I'm honest, it's actually been really hard going from a strong support system to a place where I don't know anyone :/  I'm definitely learning what to look for in choosing friends and to draw even more closer to the Lord during this time.  I know its hard adjusting to any new environment, I know Jesus has great things for me to learn here and great people for me to meet and I am sooo excited to be here!!

If you can and want to please pray I can meet some new good friends and that I could snap out of the daze :/

Friday, May 27, 2011

Made it!! :)

For those wondering...Jenny and I made it across the country to Redding, CA!

We greatly appreciate all the prayers and support that were sent our way! We definitely needed it as we hit some scary storms in Iowa and then again in Colorado.  It was like national geographic looking across the great plaines seeing huge lightening bolts!

I will be living with 3 other Bethel students in a cutie house with a HUGE backyard and BEAUTIFUL view of the mountains!  There is a 3 hour time difference between Ohio and California, so its been real nice going to bed at 9PM and waking up 7AM. I feel like I wish my sleep schedule could always be like this!!

The greatest surprise so far was finding out we have 60 strawberry bushes, an apricot tree, and a peach tree in the backyard!  I CANNOT wait to spend the summer here :)  I'm sure there are tons more good surprises to come!

Here are some pics of our trip out so far!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Such an Amazing Talk from David Wilkerson

A friend of mine told me today that one of my favorite preachers of all time, David Wilkerson, passed away yesterday April 27th.  I always loved reading his blog and had it posted on my facebook account for the longest time.  You could just tell his heart was so close to the Lord's, I admired his wisdom and insight so so much. I pray I can have a burning passion for Jesus and wisdom into the Lord's heart like he did.

Listen to this video I had goosebumps the entire time!!  What a great man of God I pray the words of this talk just hit you like they hit me...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Run-a-thon to raise money for Bethel School of Ministry

Hello Friends and Family,

I am attending Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry this September ( My future roomie, Holly, came up with the great idea of doing a "Run-a-thon" to raise money for Bethel. If you've talked to me for five minutes, you know that my passion is to serve God with all my heart! This is the next step in that journey and I am very excited about it. I was accepted to the school on January 5th, 2011. Please support me with your prayers as I take this step of faith out of my comfort zone and into my destiny.

Here is another way you can help. I am going to run the Flying Pig Half Marathon on Sunday May 2, 2011.You can sponsor a mile or a group of miles. Each mile costs a minimum of $10.  If I do not make it to the mile that you sponsored, you do not have to go thru with the donation. If I do make it to your mile, simply go on and click Donate and follow the instructions.

Tuition Cost: $3950
Mission Trip Cost: up to $3500

So far I have put down my $200 deposit and received an additional $200 in donations. If I get all the money in for school before school starts on September 13th I will get a 5% discount! That is the goal. That will save me around $200.

To learn more about Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry visit

Thank you so much for your support! Please email me with any questions you may have. Be sure to post on this page what miles you want to sponsor (1-13.1).  Be sure to see my Facebook page and cheer me on when you see my runs posted on my profile!