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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Beautiful Things

My eyes have been opening to so much goodness.  Last week Randy Clark with Global Awakening, spoke at our school and held his healing conference in Redding.

Randy gave two messages back to back. The first message, he discussed the miraculous healings he had seen in his life, the small beginnings he came from, where he prayed for over 1,000 people before he had actually witnessed one healing, and he also provided the students some principals to help us recognize the presence of God in a room and what He is doing in the atmosphere.
The second message, Randy shared stories with us about all the healings he wished would’ve happened and they didn’t. He asked us how do you reconcile that with the Lord? You believe whole-heartedly that His heart is to always heal, but then it doesn’t happen? People he really wanted to see healed and they just weren’t.  In a way I felt comforted by this message. When you know of others who’ve tried for healing and it hasn’t happened, but they still keep pressing in, and believe God is sovereign it makes me want to keep pressing in too.

I started working the healing rooms at Bethel this past Saturday. This whole idea of actually believing God can do physical miracles (healing broken bones, watching limbs grow out, cancer disappearing, metal in bodies disappearing etc.) is VERY new to me. Naturally, I was a little hesitant but also SUPER excited and expectant to see what ACTUALLY can happen! I asked the Lord to show off and blow my mindset out of the water.  He DEFINITELY did! The first woman in her mid 50’s could barely walk. I had to grab her hand and walk her over to stand with us, as I was walking with her I heard "she carries great authority". The woman had herpes, her blisters traveled down the back of her legs.  She also had bad knees where she couldn’t walk very well, let alone run, or kneel.  I watched as her blisters disappeared, she started laughing-crying-jumping up and down. Then she realized she was jumping up and down, so she started running up and down the hallway, and then she knelt down beside a chair and began bawling. I was just taking this all in, shocked that this happened right before my eyes, glad to see this woman so happy, and exhausted because my mind was just blown away haha.

Needless to say God is SO real and wow He’s good.

This is the view from my office window today, loving the snowcapped mountains I mean come on people!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Please Help Me Fundraise for Israel

“Give Him no rest until He makes Jerusalem a Praise in all the earth.” Isaiah 62:7

I was chosen to go with a team of 20 students to Israel, 
March 21-April 5. We will partner with ministries in Mt. Carmel, Galilee, Ariel, and Jerusalem.
We will hold a Healing School in Jerusalem, minister in an orphanage and youth center, reach out to 
young adults and soldiers, as well as schools, congregations, and holocaust survivors. Israeli believers 
are excited about our coming to partner with them. Last year the team saw many miracles and trained 
many believers to do the same. They saw 45+ people healed on the streets of Tel Aviv in 3 hours.
I am very excited about this trip and want to give you an opportunity to partner with me to bring the love 
of God to the Jews and Arabs in Israel. In I Samuel 30:24 David declares the spoils are shared alike for those who go to 
battle and those who stay. I look forward to releasing God’s Love & Glory in Israel this spring.
I believe the Lord wants me to be on this team and would like to invite you to partner with me in prayer 
and financially as the Lord directs you. We want Israel to come into her destiny. I need $3775 to go to Israel. Thanks so everyone who has given so far, we've been able to raise $1520.  
If 100 people give $20, or 200 give $10, then I will have enough to go!   My 2nd payment of $1700 is due January 17th. I just need $180 by Jan 17th.The promise is that Jerusalem will be a praise on the 
earth! Let us call in this promise for this generation! It is easy to give through online giving.
All gifts are tax deductible for the Israel Trip. Financial gifts may be made online at 
Click “Give Online” at the bottom of the page. Just follow the instructions and be sure to mark Israel Trip for my name on it. (If you wish your gift to be 
anonymous, please check the anonymous box. This will allow you to receive an end of year statement, but will not 
allow the student to see your name.) This gift is non-refundable and will be used for my missions trip.
If online payment is not an option, donations can be mailed to: Bethel Church, Attn: Bethel International, 
933 College View Dr., Redding, CA 96003 and write “Israel Trip Nicole Andre”.
Watch the video to see what kinds of things I get to do over in Israel.  

Thank you for your interest, partnership, prayers, and loving support. “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, 
may they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122:6 “All Israel will be saved as promised.” Romans 11:26
 May the Lord bless you and cause His Face to Shine upon you so you will prosper in all your ways!
Great Grace & Joyyyy!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Yes, the rumors are true. I have deactivated my facebook account. I wanted some time away from all goings on of facebook.  I know what youre thinking…"nikki what do you do with all of your free time that you don’t have?" 

Well simple really. Ill tell you. 

With all this free time I don’t have, instead of sitting on facebook, I have picked up running again, started getting more creative in my cooking (interesting...), started some killer sketches in my skizzzetch book, AND discovered apparently there is an app on Apple Computers for making movies!! WHO KNEW?! 

As I began watching the tutorials on how to make movies (again, no facebook.) I suddenly wanted to make one!!  Luckily, I had a few vids layin around..this is a snippet of mine and Jenny’s 38 hour drive across the country from Cincinnati to Redding in Northern Cali.

 All professional high tech people - be so jeal of deez mad skiilllzzz.