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Friday, August 2, 2013

I love poetry...and a glass of Scotch

I saw in Louisiana a live-oak growing,
All alone stood it and the moss hung
down from the branches,
Without any companion it grew there
uttering joyous leaves of dark green,
And its look, rude, unbending, lusty,
made me think of myself,
But I wonder'd how it could utter
joyous leaves standing alone there
without its friend near, for I knew I
could not,
And I broke off a twig with a certain
number of leaves upon it, and twined
around it a little moss,
And brought it away, and I have
placed it in sight in my room,
It is not needed to remind me as of
my own dear friends,
(For I believe lately I think of little
else than of them,)...
For all that, and though the live-oak
glistens there in Louisiana solitary in
a wide flat space,
Uttering joyous leaves all its life
without a friend a lover near,
I know very well I could not.

-Walt Whitman

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Who are you?!!

A lot of 2nd year is designed to train up world class leaders, and deploy them out into the world. This year has definitely been eye opening, challenging, and freeing all at the same time.

Today in class we had Danny Silk teach on different personalities.  When you are leading groups of people it is helpful to understand those different personalities, how they work, and what they actually need to thrive in an environment.  The teaching was hilariously awesome, and soberingly true.  I learned so much about myself, and felt so free to be me.

 Danny mainly taught from the DISC Test personality types.  I took the free version of the DISC Test and discovered my two highest are D/C, then I-S (Dominant-Conscientious-Influencer-Steadfast).  When Danny spoke specifically about the D's I just remember being told some of those same qualities in me when I was younger and thinking they were "wrong" or "too much".  It was freeing to have just a better understanding of who I am and how I can affect the environment around me.  Knowing how you affect your atmospheres help you to become influential in leading people within them.

Take the test for yourself and post what you are. I'm curious to see what everyone is, and if anyone actually reads this blog I never post on!

Here are a few of the other personality tests they gave us as well:
In-Depth DISC test go here:

**It's also important to note, these personality tests aren't one size fits all.  They do not define the WHOLE person, to simply put them in a box.  They are designed to bring insight and understanding into more of WHO we are and how we affect those around us.**

In other news...I found a BENGALS backpack at the Wal-Mart out here the other day! WHO-DEY WHO-DEY WHO-DEY!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Journey to Second Year

I have an exciting opportunity to tell you about.  Earlier this year I decided to apply to Bethel School of Ministry’s 2nd year program.  The 2nd year program only accepts between 500-600 students. I was selected out of over 1000 applicants to attend.  Bethel School of Ministry is located in Redding, CA. The school emphasizes ministry training and academic understanding. It will create for me a “do and teach” culture of honor, where I will be expected to take risks, stretch my faith, and grow in awareness of God. The Second Year School of Ministry focuses on assimilating the core values of the Kingdom into the heart of the Believer, and leadership development in all areas.

BSSM is a private ministry school not eligible for Federal Funding. The tuition expense for one full year is $4,000. In order to attend this fall semester, I would need $4,000 by September 2012.  With support from donations, I’ve been able to raise $500.  If 35 people donate $100, if 70 people donate $50, or 100 people donate $35, then I will be able to attend 2nd year.  I also intend on working part-time to pay living expenses.  I am asking for your support, as I continue this journey of trust with the Lord. 

If you feel led to give please visit, (this link will take you right to my donation page, there is also an option to donate anonymously).  You may also send a check made out to Bethel Church, with my full name and year of graduating class (i.e. Nicole Andre BSSM 2013).  Please mail checks to: Bethel Church, ATTN: BSSM Tuition, 933 College View Drive, Redding, CA 96003.

Please consider supporting me either financially or prayerfully. I encourage you to visit the Bethel website for more information,, as you prayerfully consider giving. 

Great Grace & Joy,

Nikki :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Last night I went to the world premier of Darren Wilson’s newest film Father of Lights which is the  final film in the Finger of God and Furious Love trilogy.  It was absolutely incredible.  I was amazed and in awe, the film evidenced our God’s passion to love and bring people into health and wholeness… which blew my mind.  I cried, I laughed, I cried more in awe of His love and orchestration, I smiled great big, and then I cried some more because I was overwhelmed that this is my Daddy. My Father is this good, this present, and this loving.
Watch the film to:
  • Be encouraged & inspired in your faith
  • Be challenged
  • See the extraordinary lives of ordinary, yielded people that live out love by the Holy Spirit
  • Encounter the love of the Father
For the next 48 hours you can watch the film FOR FREE on, you simply need to register for a free account to see the whole film.  Or go see it live on their US Tour.
DISCLAIMER:  I don’t think the trailers depict the films very well. I recommend watching the movies with a group of people so you can experience it together and, if you’ve never seen the spiritual realm present itself in the physical, watch it with at least one person who can help answer questions and process through the supernatural things the films show.  Also, the trailers are snippets and don’t fully represent the movies or the film’s stance; for instance, the Father of Lights trailer says “prepare to meet … ” and then flashes a list of people, but in the movies you meet this people and see that they are NOT the label that has been given to them in that snippet.

“Father of Lights is the final film in the Finger of God/Furious Love trilogy. It is big, epic, and above all, challenging. If I were to have to explain what it is about in a nutshell, I would put it like this: if Finger of God is about God’s power, and Furious Love is about God’s love, then Father of Lights is about God’s heart. I went into making this film by asking the simple question: who is God? I wanted to know His character, His personality, and who He truly is. To answer this question, we had to peel back the many layers of religious garbage that has been passed onto him through generations. That He is angry. Vengeful. Wrathful. And in general, that He doesn’t like you very much. The truth, as you will see vibrantly in this film, is that He is the most loving, compassionate, and wonderful Father you can imagine.
Along the way we will look at a number of things. Aside from dealing with some of the misconceptions surrounding the Father, we’ll journey through the nature of grace, take on the religious spirit, and see some of the most amazing God encounters ever put on film. You’ll meet people who love more extravagantly than you thought possible, will watch God deal with witch doctors and gang leaders and Hindu holy men, and you’ll see and ending that…well…let’s just say you’ll need to see it to truly believe it.
I am constantly amazed by the genius of God, and putting this trilogy together has only increased my amazement. It was strange, because even as I was putting together Finger of God, thinking how much of a miracle it would be if even 1000 people ever saw this movie, I somehow had the suspicion that I was going to be making a trilogy. I had no idea what the other movies would be about, but simply had a sense that this was the first part of a much larger story.”

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Developing a Culture of Wholeness

I just randomly listened to this message tonight by Kris Vallotton. Felt so much power behind it. I laughed, I cried. Definitely worth it.

Developing a Culture of Wholeness

Good tidings to you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Yisrael "He has been saved by God"

I've wanted to write about my trip to Israel ever since I got back, but as soon as we hit US soil I got sick and have been wiped out for the past couple of days. There is SO much that I want to share and SO much that happened, it’s difficult to try to fit into one blog post. So, I will just put up the main highlights, and if ya want to hear more feel free to call me we can talky!
This trip was a perfect combination of learning and teaching.  There is so much history in Jerusalem, we were shown different sites where events from the Bible took place. The stories just came alive to me, being able to see with my own eyes the places where God chose to write His story makes God that much more real to me. There was one night where we went on the Tunnel Tours. Much of where Jesus walked is presently about 10 feet below the surface.  Jerusalem is layers deep because of all the wars that have happened.  After each war they’ve had to rebuild creating another layer. It is not uncommon to see archaeological projects going on as you walk the streets.  In the tunnels we were able to see the actual streets Jesus walked. During Jesus’s time they discovered that the streets of Jerusalem were literally made of marble!  Jerusalem in those days,  was one of the most beautiful cities ever created.  When our tour guide told us all this, I felt so blessed. I know God favors His children, He WANTS to bless, He sets us up for success, and truly does make all things beautiful.   
Our team also led a healing school outside the old city walls of Jerusalem at the 24/7 Prayer House called Sucaat Hallel.  This school became a launching pad to experience more of His healing power... our team leader asked some students to come up to the front and give a word of knowledge for what God wanted to heal.  I walked up there, and immediately I saw eyes being opened in my mind. I felt that the Holy Spirit was saying He wanted to heal people with eye problems.  I was nervous to give this word because I’m learning to work through the “what if’s”.  What if this isn’t God? What if they don’t get healed? That sorta thing…but God blesses the steps we take for Him.  So the word was released anyways and about half of the people stood up...
I noticed throughout the entire night there was a young girl about 5 years old running around. She had thick coke bottle glasses and was the cutest thing ever.  After the word was released her mom brought her up and asked me to pray for her. I talked to the little girl about how she’s a beautiful princess, and she just got SO excited! Then I asked if I could lay hands on her to pray for her.  She said yes. I just released a quick thanks to Jesus, lifted my hands and the little girl said “I can see much better now!”  I looked at her mom a little confused, wondering if she really was healed.  Her mom asked her if she could see without her glasses, and she said YES!  The little girl ran up to her dad and hugged him.  He and his wife started crying.  As I’m sure you can guess I started crying too. This moment just changed me, one minute this girl is legally blind, and the next she can see perfectly clear all because of a choice. A choice to give thanks to Jesus and pray.  Wow. I mean seriously. We saw so many more miracles happen too! There was a Muslim man who just recently accepted Christ. He had cancer and someone told him about the healing school so he came out.  A few of the guys on our team prayed for him, he went to the doctor later that week, came back to the school and told us he was COMPLETELY HEALED of cancer! He also said he was concerned because now he has to tell his family hes a Christian.
Later, we attended a Jewish orphanage where we got to just love on the kids.  Many of them came from families where the parents either didn’t want them, or couldn’t afford another child. I was reminded again of how much I actually love being around kids. They are so fun and honest about EVERYTHING you don’t have to worry about “putting on a face” with kids. Just free to be fun and goofy. I want adults to be like that too, how sweet would that be?? I mean seriously!! ;)

I’ll leave you all with some picy’s from the trip…thanks to everyone who helped with support and prayers, it was definitely a dream come true.  LOVE YOU ALL!!! :)
 Mediterranean Sea at Caesarea

Mt. Huron...the Mt. of Transfiguration 

Wailing Wall...last part of Temple left from Jesus' time

Pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the paralyzed man

 Road Jesus walked before He was crucified..

Cave where they found Isaiah's scrolls

Tel Aviv Sunset

Friday, February 17, 2012

Great Quote

I watched the movie Coach Carter this past weekend, GREAT movie I HIGHLY reccommend it!  This is a quote from that movie, it just hit me for some reason. I've never thought about having a fear of success, however, I definitely saw areas where I've shrunk back in fear thinking that this was "humility". That is a false sense of humility.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Marianne Williamson