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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Who are you?!!

A lot of 2nd year is designed to train up world class leaders, and deploy them out into the world. This year has definitely been eye opening, challenging, and freeing all at the same time.

Today in class we had Danny Silk teach on different personalities.  When you are leading groups of people it is helpful to understand those different personalities, how they work, and what they actually need to thrive in an environment.  The teaching was hilariously awesome, and soberingly true.  I learned so much about myself, and felt so free to be me.

 Danny mainly taught from the DISC Test personality types.  I took the free version of the DISC Test and discovered my two highest are D/C, then I-S (Dominant-Conscientious-Influencer-Steadfast).  When Danny spoke specifically about the D's I just remember being told some of those same qualities in me when I was younger and thinking they were "wrong" or "too much".  It was freeing to have just a better understanding of who I am and how I can affect the environment around me.  Knowing how you affect your atmospheres help you to become influential in leading people within them.

Take the test for yourself and post what you are. I'm curious to see what everyone is, and if anyone actually reads this blog I never post on!

Here are a few of the other personality tests they gave us as well:
In-Depth DISC test go here:

**It's also important to note, these personality tests aren't one size fits all.  They do not define the WHOLE person, to simply put them in a box.  They are designed to bring insight and understanding into more of WHO we are and how we affect those around us.**

In other news...I found a BENGALS backpack at the Wal-Mart out here the other day! WHO-DEY WHO-DEY WHO-DEY!!